Form TM-A, Trademark Registration

Trademark Form TM-A

The Trademarks Act, 1999 and the Trademarks Rules direct the law identifying with brand names in India. The Trademarks Act, 1999 gives the methodology to reserve enrollment.

The Trademarks Rules, 2017 (‘Rules’) gives the arrangements identifying with the application for brand name registration.

What is a Trademark?

A brand name is a visual image that addresses an organization or the items or administrations given by a person. It very well may be portrayed via a word signature, name, gadget, name, numerals or a mix of images.

The reason for having a brand name is to recognize the label and products of one element/individual from that of the others. A brand name is for the most part used to mark items or administrations delivered with the goal that they are effectively recognizable.

Procedure to Apply for a Trademark

Under the Trademarks Rules, 2002, the Form TM-1 must be submitted to the Registrar of Trademarks for brand name Registration. In any case, the Trademark Rules, 2017 supplanted the Trademarks Rules, 2002. Accordingly, at present, the Form TM-A is the application to be petitioned for enrolling brand names according to the Trademarks Rules, 2017.

The Form TM-A unquestionable requirement be filled and endorsed by the candidate (proprietor of the brand name) prior to submitting it to the Trademark Registry Office truly or online on the IP India site. The candidate can be an individual or organization. On account of an organization, the approved signatory or chief should sign the structure.

Form TM-A Includes

The structure involves the accompanying data that should be filled by the candidate:


  1. Nature of the application

  • Standard brand name: An ordinary application to be petitioned for a word, gadget or any such mix. Aggregate imprint: This is in situations where the imprint has a place with an aggregate gathering or relationship of people. For instance, the Indian Standards Institute (ISI) mark.
  • Affirmation mark: Generally, a confirmation blemish on items alludes to a sign of value, legitimacy or an affirmation of the way that the producer has tried the item, and it fulfills the necessary guidelines. For instance, the Fruit Products Order (FPO) mark.
  • Series mark: The primary component of the imprint may be utilized/expected to be utilized in a few structures/ways by the owner, and on second thought of recording separate applications each time, they can be documented as a series. For instance, McDonald’s has a progression of ‘Mc’ enrolled, which addresses their various items like Mc Veggie, Mc Chicken, and so forth

Constitution of the element in whose name the brand name application is recorded

The subtleties to be filled here are concerning whether the substance goes under the classification of an trademark/fire up/little undertaking/others. The expense demanded will contrast contingent upon the constitution of the application.

Trademark Applicant Details

The essential subtleties, for example, the name, trademark and address of the chief business environment, versatile number, the email address of the candidate and the idea of the candidate should be entered suitably.

The Applicant should pick the fitting class and fill it under the idea of the Applicant. The classification of the Trademark should be any of the accompanying.


Applicant representative subtleties, assuming any

The fundamental subtleties of the specialist are to be given in the recommended structure. Furthermore, the idea of the specialist should be determined as well. The idea of the specialist given in the structure incorporate the accompanying:


  • Enrolled Trade Marks Agent: An individual who has finished 21 years old and has an alumni level degree from a perceived Indian University or a capability comparable to it is qualified to show up for the brand names test. When he/she clears the test, he/she turns into an enrolled brand name specialist.
  • Advocate: A lawful expert who addresses his customer in an official courtroom.
  • Established Attorney: Constituted lawyer is a legal authority holder following up for an individual.

Trademark Details

Here, class and depiction of the imprint should be referenced plainly.

Class of the imprint can be any of the accompanying:

  • Word: A word mark is a word or a gather of letters together. The word shouldn’t for even a moment need to fundamentally have a significance. Word is the most widely recognized sort of brand name. E.g.: IBM, TATA, and so on
  • Gadget: A mix of pictures and words or outlines is known as a gadget mark. This incorporates logos, trademarks and drawings. E.g.: Apple Logo, Android image, and so on
  • Shading: A specific tone or a mix of tones can be considered as a brand name assuming it recognizes the item or administration that the substance offers from that of the others. It is by and large the hardest class of a brand name to be secured and upheld.
  • Three-layered brand name: The three-layered states of specific items, for example, bourbon bottles, the Xbox 360 logo, and so on likewise fill in as brand names. They are normally addressed by the actual appearance of the item or its bundling.
  • Sound: Here, the tune needs to play as the distinguisher of the administrations or items that the substance offers. The pretended by the tune is its capacity to make an impression in the top of the crowd with the goal that it turns out to be not difficult to review. E.g.: National Stock Exchange signature tune.

Depiction of the imprint

  • The imprint ought to be addressed unmistakably and clearly with the size not surpassing 8cm x 8cm.
  • Where the blend of shadings is other than high contrast, the uniqueness of the imprint will be thought about appropriately.
  • On account of shading marks, a depiction should be given exhaustively.
  • If there should be an occurrence of sound denotes, a sound section in the MP3 design should likewise be submitted alongside the application.

Where the brand name is in a language other than English or Hindi

Right off the bat, the language must be referenced. Also, the interpretation of the imprint in English must be given, assuming the brand name is a language other than English or Hindi.

Conditions or impediments concerning use

Any condition or impediment put concerning the utilization of the brand name must be referenced here exhaustively.

Classification of goods and services

The classification of trademarkof the specific service and products that the brand name has a place with must be indicated obviously.

Explanation concerning the use of the brand name

At the point when the brand name isn’t yet being used and is proposed to be utilized later its enrollment, the candidate should choose the ‘Proposed to be utilized’ choice. At the point when the candidate is giving labor and products under the brand name, the choice ‘The imprint is utilized by the candidate or its archetype in title’ should be chosen and the date from which it is being utilized is to be referenced.

In the event that the brand name to be enrolled is now being utilized by the candidate preceding the date of utilization, the candidate will record an affirmation vouching for such use alongside supporting reports. The assertion as to utilization of the imprint once made will be restricting and last.

Need guarantee

At the point when a particular brand name is petitioned interestingly, the proprietor is conceded a multi month time frame from the date of first recording to be documented in some other nation too. This is done to guarantee that the need guarantee can be made on a particular brand name over the world to keep away from future clash. The predefined fields referenced in the application should be filled appropriately.

Some other significant data require along with application

  • Any extra data comparable to this assertion, which is required or that the candidate feels is essential might be given here.
  • Confirmation and subtleties of the individual presenting the application
  • The name, mark and authority of the individual presenting the application must be referenced in the crates gave in the application.

Documents being Submitted Along With Form TM-A

The accompanying reports must be submitted while recording Form TM-A:

  • Business Registration Proof, for example, joining authentication or organization enrollment declaration, in the event of an organization
  • Address evidence of the candidate or approved signatory, in the event of an organization
  • Personality evidence of the candidate or approved signatory, if there should arise an occurrence of an organization Duplicate of brand name that will be enrolled.

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