What is a Private Limited Company?
A private Ltd. may be a company privately held for little businesses. this sort of business entity limits owner liability to their shareholdings, the amount of shareholders to 200, and restricts shareholders from publicly trading shares.
What are the benefits of the incorporation of private Ltd. in India?
- Limited risk to non-public assets The shareholders of a private Ltd. have indebtedness .this suggests that as a shareholder you’ll be susceptible to buy the company’s liability only to the extent of the contribution made by you.
- Legal Entity A Private limited company features a separate legal entity different from you. this suggests that the corporate is liable for the management of its assets and liabilities, debtors and creditors. And you’re not liable for it. So, the creditors cannot proceed against you to recover the cash.
- Raising Capital albeit registering a PLC comes with compliance requirements, it’s preferred by entrepreneurs because it helps them raise funds through equity, expand, and at equivalent deadlines the liability.
- Trustworthiness Companies in India are registered with the Registrar of companies (ROC) under the Companies Act 2013. Anyone can check the small print of the corporate through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). Also, details of all the administrators are provided while the formation of the corporate. Hence a PLC sort of business structure is trusted more.
- Continue Existence a corporation has ‘perpetual succession’, that’s continue or uninterrupted existence until it’s legally dissolved. A company, being a separate legal person, is unaffected by the death or cessation of any member but continues to be alive regardless of the changes in membership.
Different sorts of company registration
There are other sorts of company registration like
- Partnership Firm Registration
- Proprietorship Firm Registration
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Registration
- One Person Company (OPC) Registration
- NGO Registration ( Section 8 Company Registration )
Steps for forming a Private Limited Company:
Looking to register your company as a private Ltd. ? Registering your company as a private limited company is difficult because the procedure is complicated and involves many compliances. don’t fear as our experts can assist you in every step of the private Ltd. registration. rather than reading through the whole registration process, you’ll avail our expert service.
Step 1: Obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)*
Step 2: Obtain DIN*
Step 3: Name Availability
Step 4: Form SPICE INC-32
Step 5: MOA and AOA
Step 6: PAN and TAN Application
* For Name availability under RUN Web service, there’s no prior requirement to get DSC and DIN . It are often through with account login on the MCA portal.
Below are the steps that are involved in Company formation
Step 1:Obtain DSC (Digital Signature) Digital signatures are required to file the forms for company formation. The registration process is online and therefore the forms require a digital signature. DSC is mandatory for all subscribers and witnesses within the memorandum and articles of association. you want to obtain the digital signature certificates from government recognized certifying agencies. The list of such certified agencies is often accessed here. otherwise, you can get your DSC online in only two days from here. the value of obtaining DSC varies depending upon the certifying agency. you want to obtain either class 2 or class 3 category of DSC. Under the Class 2 category, the identity of an individual is verified against a pre-verified database whereas, underclass 3 category, the person must present himself before registering authority to prove their identity. to accumulate DSC
Step 2: Apply for DIN (Director Identification Number) DIN is a number for a director. it’s to be obtained by anyone who wants to be a director during a company. One DIN is enough to be a director in any number of companies.
There are 3 ways of obtaining DIN:
Option 1:File form DIN 3.this type required basic details of the proposed director alongside identity proof like PAN, Aadhaar Card, etc, and address proof. this is often an option that is merely available for existing companies. It means with effect from January 2018, the applicant needn’t file DIR-3 separately. Now DIN is often applied within the SPICe form for up to 3 directors.
Option 2: With filing SPICe, DINs get issued to the proposed directors who don’t have a DIN. Under this process of filing through SPICe (INC 32), a maximum of three directors can apply for DIN. If the applicant wants to include Company with quite 3 Directors and quite 3 persons don’t have DIN. In such a situation, the applicant needs to incorporate Company with 3 Directors and need to appoint new directors afterward after incorporation.
Option 3:Click on the link & let a Setupfilings expert procure DIN for you. If you choose Private Ltd. – Registration with Setupfilings, up to 2 DINs are covered within the plan & there’s no got to apply for DIN separately.
Step 3: Name Approval
To get the name approval, there are the following options:
Option 1:Incorporating a corporation via RUN (Reserve Unique Name) form: In an effort to ease procedures for brand spanking new also as existing companies, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has introduced RUN web service for the incorporation of a corporation. RUN gives just one chance for applying and just in case of rejection of the name thanks to any similarity of name with a registered company, an LLP or trademark or thanks to non-adherence of the businesses (Incorporation Rules) 2014, there are not any second chances available. It means you’ve got to make certain of the proposed name and will follow name availability guidelines, existing trademarks to avoid rejection. The applicant has got to re-file another RUN form with the prescribed fee.
Please note that DSC and DIN shall not require for filing of RUN form for reservation of name. Only MCA Account is mandatory.
However, with effect from March 23, 2018, Ministry has decided to allow two proposed Names and one re-submission (RSUB) while reserving Unique Names for the businesses.
Option 2:You can apply for the proposed name through SPICe(INC-32) but just one name is often applied to the present form, which is analogous thereto of the supply in RUN.
Moreover, just in case of rejection thanks to non-approval of the name, the applicant will get a second chance of refilling an equivalent SPICe form with no further charges. It means you get two chances of filing an equivalent form with no extra charge of paying Rs. 1000/- both days.
In case of failure to urge the name approved within the second go, you’ll file the SPICe form again from scratch. this may any day convince be cheaper than choosing the primary option. the entire process including name approval and incorporation takes around 2-3 days
Step 4: Form SPICe (INC-32) Ministry of Company Affairs has introduced Form SPICe (INC-32). it’s a simplified proforma for incorporating a corporation electronically. It serves the subsequent purposes with the advantage of one application:
- Application for allotment of DIN (Director Identification Number)
- Reservation of name
- Incorporation of a replacement company
- Application for PAN and TAN
Prior to May 2015, the registration of companies required the filling from several documents, like the DIR–3 for acquiring the DIN (Director Identification Number), INC-1 for obtaining a reputation, INC–7 for registering the corporate with the Memorandum and Articles of Association, INC–22 for the registered office and eventually, Form DIR-12 for the administrators. Now, all of those forms are merged together.
The digital signature of the knowledge is required to file Form INC-32. The professional must certify that each one of the knowledge given within the form is correct. The professionals are often accountants, Company secretaries, accountants, or advocates.
With effect from January 2018, New Process of Name Approval “RUN” notified and e-form INC-1 omitted. INC-7 form omitted. The only answer for incorporation of the Company is SPICE. No ROC fees for Incorporation of the Company up to 10 lack of authorized capital.
Step 5: e-MoA(INC-33) and e-AoA (INC-34) e-MoA refers to an electronic Memorandum of Association and eAoA is electronic Articles of Association. These forms are introduced to simplify the method of company registration in India.
Memorandum represents the charter of the corporate while articles of association contain the interior rules and regulations of the corporate.
Earlier memorandum of association and articles of association were required to be filed physically. But now these forms are filed online on the MCA portal as a linked form with SPICe (INC-32). Both these forms must be digitally signed by subscribers to the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Step 6: PAN and TAN Application Through this single form SPICe, you’ll also apply for the company’s PAN and TAN by using forms 49A for PAN and 49B for TAN. The system will auto-generate these forms after the submission of the SPICe form. All you’ve got to try to do is download it, affix digital signatures and upload both forms on the MCA portal If all the small print within the form are duly filled in alongside the specified documents, MCA will approve the registration and a CIN (Corporate Identity Number) are going to be allocated. you’ll also track this CIN online on the MCA portal.
Documents required for filing SPICe (INC-32)
The following documents must be filed with SPICe (INC-32) for the incorporation of a company:
- Where director and subscriber are Indian Nationals
- An Affidavit on a Stamp Paper is to tend by all the subscribers of the corporate to state their willingness to become the shareholders of the corporate
- Proof of office address – Rental Agreement
- Copies of utility bills that aren’t older than two months
- Copy of approval just in case the proposed name of the corporate contains any word (s) or s) that need approval from the central government
- If the proposed name is predicated on a registered trademark or is material of an application pending for registration under the Trade Marks Act, then it’s mandatory to connect the trademark registration certificate or trademark application copy
- NOC from the owner of the property
- In case of subscribers/ Director doesn’t have a DIN, it’s mandatory to connect, proof of identity, and address proof of the subscribers
B.Where director/subscriber may be a foreign National
* Passport
* Address proof: It are often driver’s license, residence card, statement, Government-issued sort of identification containing an address
Registered office proof: It is often a registered document which shows the title of the premises within the name of the corporate or notarized copy of the lease deed or rental agreement
What is the Time required to register a company?
The whole process including approval of DIN, Name, and Incorporation takes around 7 working days. However, nowadays registering a corporation has become a quick process as all documents are dragged during a single form with MCA. it’s an enormous step towards e-governance and for businesses who are trying to find the expansion of operations.
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