All About Online GST Registration process, procedure, Benefits

GST Registration

As indicated by GST rules, it is obligatory for a business that has a turnover of above Rs. 40 lakh to enroll as a typical available element. This is alluded to as the GST Registration process. The turnover is Rs.10 lakh for organizations that are available in slope states and North-Eastern states. The GST Registration interaction can be finished inside 6 working days.

GST Registration can be handily done on the web-based GST gateway. Entrepreneurs can fill a structure on the GST entryway and present the fundamental archives for enrollment. Organizations should finish the GST Registration process. It is a criminal offense to complete activities without enlisting for GST and weighty punishments are exacted for non-enrollment.

What is GST Registration?

The interaction by which a citizen gets enlisted under Goods and Service Tax (GST). When the enlistment cycle has been finished, the Goods and Service Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) is given. The 15-digit GSTIN is given by the Central Government and assists with deciding if a business is obligated to pay GST.

Who is eligible to register under GST?

GST Registration should be finished by the accompanying people and organizations:

  • Individuals who have enrolled under the expense administrations under the watchful eye of the GST law became effective.
  • Non-Resident Taxable Person and Casual Taxable Person
  • Individuals who pay charge under the opposite charge component
  • All internet business aggregators
  • Businesses that have a turnover that surpasses Rs.40 lakh. On account of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and North-Eastern states, the turnover of the business ought to surpass Rs.10 lakh.
  • Input help merchants and specialists of a provider
  • Individuals who supply merchandise through a web based business aggregator.
  • Individuals giving data set admittance and online data from outside India to individuals who live in India other than the people who are enlisted available people.

Types of GST Registration

Under the GST Act, GST Registration can be of different kinds. You should know about the various sorts of GST Registration prior to choosing the fitting one. The various sorts of GST Registration are:

Normal Taxpayer

Most organizations in India fall under this classification. You really want not give any store to turn into a typical citizen. There is likewise no expiry date for citizens who fall under this class.

Casual Taxable Person

People who wish to set up an occasional shop or slow down can choose this class. You should store a development sum that is equivalent to the normal GST responsibility during the time the slow down or occasional shop is functional. The length of the GST Registration under this class is 3 months and it tends to be expanded or recharged.

Composition Taxpayer

Apply for this assuming you wish to get the GST Composition Scheme. You should store a level under this class. The Input tax reduction can’t be gotten under this classification.

Non-Resident Taxable Person

In the event that you live external India, yet supply merchandise to people who stay in India, choose this kind of GST Registration. Like the Casual Taxable Person type, you should pay a store equivalent to the normal GST obligation during the time the GST enrollment is dynamic. The length for this sort of GST enrollment is generally 3 months, yet it very well may be broadened or restored at the kind of expiry.

Key Facts about GST Registration

A portion of the significant focuses that you should be aware of GST enlistment are referenced underneath:

  • No charges are exacted to finish the GST enrollment process.
  • On the off chance that organizations don’t finish the enrollment cycle, 10% of the sum that is expected or Rs.10,000 will be required. On account of tax avoidance, 100 percent of the sum that is expected will be demanded as a punishment.
  • GST enrollment is compulsory for organizations that have a yearly turnover of Rs.20 lakh and that’s just the beginning.
  • On the off chance that the stockpile is given in a few states, GST enlistment should be finished in each state.

Steps to finish online GST Registration  process on the web

The step by step method that people should follow to finish GST Registration is referenced underneath:

  • Stage 1: Visit the GST entryway –
  • Stage 2: Click on the ‘Register Now’ connect which can be found under the ‘Citizens’ tab
  • Stage 3: Select ‘New Registration’.
  • Stage 4: Fill the underneath referenced subtleties:
    • Under the ‘I am a’ drop-down menu, select ‘Taxpayer’.
    • Select the respective state and district.
    • Enter the name of the business.
    • Enter the PAN of the business.
    • Enter the email ID and mobile number in the respective boxes. The entered email ID and mobile number must be active as OTPs will be sent to them.
    • Enter the image that is shown on the screen and click on ‘Proceed’.
  • Stage 5: On the following page, enter the OTP that was shipped off the email ID and versatile number in the separate boxes.
  • Stage 6: Once the subtleties have been entered, click on ‘Continue’.
  • Stage 7: You will be shown the Temporary Reference Number (TRN) on the screen. Make a note of the TRN.
  • Stage 8: Visit the GST entry again and click on ‘Register’ under the ‘Citizens’ menu.
  • Stage 9: Select ‘Transitory Reference Number (TRN)’.
  • Stage 10: Enter the TRN and the manual human test subtleties.
  • Stage 11: Click on ‘Continue’.
  • Stage 12: You will get an OTP on your email ID and enrolled versatile number. Enter the OTP on the following page and snap on ‘Continue’.
  • Stage 13: The situation with your application will be accessible on the following page. On the right side, there will be an Edit symbol, click on it.
  • Stage 14: There will be 10 segments on the following page. Every one of the pertinent subtleties should be filled, and the vital reports should be submitted. The rundown of records that should be transferred are referenced beneath:
  • Photos
  • Place of work verification
  • Bank subtleties, for example, account number, bank name, bank office, and IFSC code.
  • Authorisation structure
  • The constitution of the citizen.
  • Stage 15: Visit the ‘Confirmation’ page and check the announcement, Then present the application by utilizing one of the beneath referenced strategies:

By Electronic Verification Code (EVC). The code will be shipped off the enlisted versatile number.

By virtual sign strategy. An OTP will be shipped off the portable number connected to the Aadhaar card.

In the event that organizations are enlisting, the application should be presented by utilizing the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).

  • Stage 16: Once finished, a triumph message will be displayed on the screen. The Application Reference Number (ARN) will be shipped off the enrolled versatile number and email ID.
  • Stage 17: You can actually look at the situation with the ARN on the GST entry.
  • Reports needed for GST Registration

Documents required for GST Registration

  1. PAN card
  2. Aadhaar card
  3. Business address confirmation
  4. Bank record explanation and dropped check
  5. Incorporation Certificate or the business enrollment evidence
  6. Digital Signature
  7. Director’s or alternately Promoter’s ID verification, address evidence, and photo
  8. Letter of Authorisation or Board Resolution from Authorized Signatory

Online GST Registration Via Authentication of Aadhaar

New organizations can protect their GST Registration with the assistance of the Aadhaar. The cycle is basic and fast. The new cycle happened from 21 August 2020. The method to select Aadhaar validation is referenced beneath:

  • When you apply for GST enlistment, you will be given a choice to pick Aadhaar validation.
  • Select ‘YES’. The validation connection will be shipped off the enlisted email ID and portable number.
  • Click on the validation interface.
  • Enter the Aadhaar number and select ‘Approve’.
  • Once the subtleties have been coordinated, an OTP will be shipped off the enlisted portable number and email ID.
  • Enter the OTP to finish the cycle. You will get the new GST enlistment inside three working days.

Online GST Registration Fees

In the event that you complete the GST Registration strategy on the web, no charge will be demanded. When the pertinent records have been transferred, an Application Reference Number (ARN) will be sent by means of SMS and email to affirm the enlistment.

Penalty for Not Registering or Late Registering Under GST

Assuming you don’t cover expense or pay a lesser sum than what is expected, the punishment that is exacted is 10% of the due sum (if there should arise an occurrence of real mistakes). In any case, the base punishment is Rs.10,000.

Assuming you have not enrolled for GST and are purposely attempting to avoid charge, the punishment exacted is 100 percent of the due charge sum.

Download the GST Registration Certificate

The method to download the GST Registration Certificate is referenced beneath:

  1. Step – 1: Visit
  2. Step – 2: Click on ‘Login’.
  3. Step – 3: On the following page, enter the username and secret phrase.
  4. Step – 4: Click on ‘Login’.
  5. Step – 5: Next, click on ‘Administrations’.
  6. Step – 6: Click on ‘Client Services’.
  7. Step – 7: Select ‘View/Download Certificates’.
  8. Step – 8: On the following page, click on ‘Download’. The testament will have subtleties of the duty exchanges.

Check GST Registration Status

  1. Visit GST official entry at
  2. Click to ‘Administrations’ > ‘Enlistment’ > ‘Track Application Status’.
  3. Enter your ARN number and Captcha code. Next click on SEARCH button.
  4. Finally, you will get any of the accompanying GST enlistment status on your screen:
  • Temporary status
  • Forthcoming for check status
  • Approval against blunder status
  • Moved status
  • Dropped status

Advantages of GST Registration

The primary advantages of GST enlistment are referenced beneath:

  1. Big ventures can be acknowledged from Multinational Corporations (MNCs).
  2. Goods can be sold on the web.
  3. Goods can be sold the nation over.
  4. GST enrollment goes about however substantial confirmation as it very well might be a legitimate element enlistment.
  5. Input tax reduction can be benefited when any labor and products are being bought.
  6. With the assistance of a GSTIN, a current ledger can be opened.
  7. The GSTIN helps in expanding the brand worth of the business.

GST Registration Exemption

The underneath referenced people and substances are absolved from GST enlistment:

  1. Businesses that assembling supplies that go under turn around charge.
  2. Activities that don’t go under the inventory of labor and products. Instances of such exercises are the offer of a structure or land, burial service administrations, and administrations given by a worker.
  3. Businesses that make non-GST/non-available supplies. Models are flight turbine fuel, power, petroleum gas, rapid diesel, and petroleum.
  4. Businesses that make absolved/nothing evaluated supplies.
  5. Businesses that fall under the edge exclusion limit.

FAQs on GST Registration Process

  1. Is gst Registration free?

Indeed, gst enrollment should be possible online at Nil charges

  1. Is bank account mandatory for GST registration?

No, The financial balance not obligatory at the hour of GST Registration.

  1. How can I get the GST registration number?

To get the GST number, you really want to apply for GST enlistment by visiting the GST entryway i.e., To begin the interaction, you should have a legitimate email address, portable number and a PAN for the business.

  1. How much does a GST number cost?

The public authority doesn’t charge you any expenses with regards to enrollment for GST. Nonetheless, assuming you approach a contracted bookkeeper or advisor, they might charge you an expert expense as the whole enrollment process is a dreary one.

  1. Can I surrender my GST number?

Indeed, you can give up the GST number. Be that as it may, you can do as such solely after one year from the date of enlistment

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