Trademark Registration – Online Application, Types Symbols of TM India
Online trademark registration can be defined as a unique identity that makes your brand different from another brand. A Registered trademark is an intellectual property & intangible asset for your business. Trademark e registration protects your brand loyalty, goodwill, and trust of products and services among the customers.
The Trademark registration provides the right to the owner of the brand to sue against other whoever tries to copy your registered brand or company name.
What Can You Register As a Trademark?
There are a few aspects of brand name registration. You need to consider, In which aspects you wish to secure your intellectual property that stands out to your customers. Pick the aspects for trademark mark registration online process.
- Name
- Product Name: You can register a particular product or brand name as trademark registration. EXAMPLE: XIAOMI “Redmi” is a product name that is registered as a trademark.
- Business Name: Registering a company name as intellectual property or trademark is the most common route that usually businesses take. Example: SAMSUNG.
- Person’s Surname/Name: In case If your name plays a vital role in generating revenue for your business, then you can even register your name! Example: Shah Rukh Khan has trademarked his name.
- Abbreviations: Abbreviations of company or brand name can also be a trademark. Example: HDFC.
- Logo/Symbol
It is always recommended to trademark a logo because it visually stands out from your customers. Your customer can recollect your logo faster than a brand name. The Biggest example of a brand name to remember as a logo is Shoes of “Nike”.
- Tagline
If you have a tagline of your brand that stands out from your customer and create goodwill among your customer, then you can go ahead and for online trademark registration for a tagline.
- Other Options
- Colour Mark: You can trademark a unique combination of colours
- Sound Mark: Musical notes or sounds can also be trademarked if we can prove that your sound represents your sound mark has value among customers And it’s distinctive. EXAMPLE: NOKIA tune.
- Scent Mark: Even scents can be trademarked.
Why Is Trademark Registration Important?
Trademark registration is important and necessary for a business because:
- It showcases your unique identity
- It helps you build loyalty and trust among your customers
- It provides legal protection for your brand’s name and identity It is an asset in itself for business
- It also prevents unauthorized usage of your brand’s identity and name.
Trademark Classes
There are 45 trademark classes wherein Trademark class 1 to Trademark class 34 is for manufacturer and Trademark class 35 to trademark class 45 is for a service provider. You need to be very careful while selecting the trademark class as the same will determine the validity of your online trademark registration for your business’ products/services you are into. If your business operates across various sectors then you may fall under different classes, at the time of trademark application you have to ensure that you apply for the trademark under all the applicable classes.
Some of the popular trademark classes in India are:
Trademark Class 5: Medicine and pharmaceuticals preparations.
Trademark Class 9: Which includes mobile, laptop Audio and electronic products and accessories.
Trademark Class 25: Clothing and readymade garments.
Trademark Class 35: Trading, Retail and Wholesale, and Business management and advertising services.
Trademark Class 45: Personal and Legal services.
How to Register a Trademark with Setupfilings
The online trademark registration process and procedure is quite more complicated than it appears. Online Trademark application involves a number of processes and government follow-ups. setupfilings has made it easier for you to register your trademark by dividing the trademark registration process into three different steps.
Step 2: Class Selection / Trademark classes
Once you give us the basic information about the industry you operate in and what you want to trademark, our trademark experts will do the trademark classification of your business. A trademark classification is to check the class your business falls into.
Step 1: Trademark Search
After trademark classification, our trademark experts will do a trademark search across the trademark database. A Trademark search is to check whether the trademark you want to register is available or not. After confirmation of the availability of trademark name. we can go ahead with documentation and further online trademark registration process.
Step 3: Trademark Application Filing
Once we receive the documents signed by you then our team will proceed to verify them. Then the online trademark application form will be filled on your behalf and submitted along with the documents to the trademark registry. Our team will ensure that the details filled in the trademark application are accurate and should submit to the trademark registry properly.
We will always keep you updated throughout the trademark process and keep watch out for any notifications from the Trademark Registry until then your registration is complete.
Once the trademark application is submitted and the Trademark application number is allotted to your brand name.
Congratulations! You now you can start using the symbol ™
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