8 Questions to Ask a for Trademark Registration process

An intellectual property consultant can help you to learn better about online trademark registration process and how trademark can benefits you business and brand. A Trademark consultant can give you full overview about of trademark registration process & procedure and also can explain you about proper use of trademark and Benefits of Trademark registration.

Most Ask Question about trademark registration process & procedure. Below are few list of questions. Below are eight most asked questions about trademark?

What Is a Trademark?

All together Copyright, Trademark registration and Patent are considered as group rather than separately.

Even the trademark, patent and copyright are considered to be group rather than separately but they protect different thing as intellectual property.

Trademark registration protects the brands and used to identify your business logo, name or tagline. A lawyer or trademark consultant can help you to identifying your business trademark.

Copyright protects originally created work such as artwork, songs and Novels.

Patents usually protect inventions can be pharmaceuticals, products, and machinery and many more things.

Why Would I Want a Registered Trademark?

Simply using Registered Trademark may give some security to your brand name, brand logo, other any other Brand mark in your business activity. Still, the common law protection doesn’t helps in having any such right’s while brand name used outside geographical area where the trademark is used. Similarly you can also register your brand name within your sate but will, it will not protect your brand name outside the state, though t is always suggested to get trademark registered for India.

By registering your trademark with the setupfilings, you can get nationwide rights to your trademark, along with other benefits. Get in touch with our Experts, they will explain you full pros and cons of your particular business.

Can I Get a Registered Trademark?

There can be several requirements for Registering a trademark for your Business or Brand name. For getting  a registered trademark one must always use a name which name must be distinctive name, similarly name like Mumbai coffee shop or Mumbai pizza shop such name are to generally and to descriptive to qualify. Similar name must be confusing and can also be existing registered trademark.

The similar criteria also apply to logos and other marks too you might wish to register. A lawyer can evaluate whether your trademark application is likely to succeed or not.

Do I Need a Trademark Attorney to File a Trademark Application?

Although you can file your Trademark application online by yourself, but the process of Trademark registration online is not simple and straightforward as it seems. It is very easy to make mistakes in your trademark application which can caused you Trademark application abandoned or removed if process is not followed as per Trademark Acts 1999.

Once your Trademark application is abandoned or removed you cannot call upon your trademark application fee paid at the time of Trademark application filings or TM-A.  An Alternative for this is to hire a local attorney or to go with Trademark filings companies, preferably one that has an good experience of Trademark application filings with strong reputation.

How Does the Trademark Registration Process Work?

Trademark registration process starts with classificationof business scope and then search report of Brand name to see whether if already name is used or registered with Trademark registry or not. The Trademark search report will help you to know whether how difficult to register and use the brand name. then an trademark application is prepared that’s meets all the legal requirements of Trademark registry as per trademark Act 1999.

Once the application receives your filled trademark application, an examiner review your trademark application, in case of any problem examiner issued an examination report also called an Objection stating the issue and same reply filings to examination report within 30 days of examination report issued.

If everything seems find in reply filings to examination report examiner publish your brand in trademark journal for 5 month in one once raised an opposition then  your brand get registered and Registration certificate to brand is issued.

There is a slightly different process in case if you are applying for a trade mark name that you have not yet started using in your business. Get in touch with our experts to know this in better.

How Long Does it Take to Register a Trademark?

Classification of trademark and Search report of your brand name can be done within a day. But once you application is successfully submitted, then usually it take 2 month for examination report.

If everything seems fine including your brand name then, your Trademark name gets published in Trademark journal for 4 to 5 months and Trademark registration certificate is allotted.

Usually it takes 8 to 10 month to get your Trademark name registered. But in some cases it also take 12 to 18 months to get Trademark registration certificate, some depends on trademark name and some are on How fast the trademark department works.

How Much Does Trademark Registration Cost?

Government fees for trademark application for Individual is Rs. 4500/- and Other than Individual is Rs. 9000/-. In case of other then individual which are registered in small enterprises (MSME Registration) or startup India then government fees for Trademark application come to Rs. 4500/-

You can also hire some Trademark attorney or Trademark expert by paying some professional fees and get your Trademark application filled properly.

Setupfilings is one of the best option for filings Trademark application in India, get in touch with our experts now for free consultation and Free Trademark classification and search report.

What Are the Steps to Maintain a Trademark Once It’s Filed?

Once your Trademark is registered, It’s valid for 10 years and you can also renewed for more additional 10 year of period. To keep your brand name secure and valid

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