Trademark Class 15: Musical Instruments
Short description of trademark class 15
Musical instruments; Music stands and stands for musical instruments; Conductors’ batons
What is trademark registration?
Trademark Registration can be defined as unique identity for Brands and companies or services to stand out from rest of other brand and companies. After trademark registeredin India no other organization or company can use the same name or logo.
Registered Trademarkprovides rights to sue other who tries to copy the similar brand name or logo. Once any company or brand name registered in trademark though it becomes the intellectual property which can also be defined has intangible asset for company. which helps in protecting the investment into creating the brand name, its loyalty and trust among customers.
What is trademark class?
A trademark classification is a tool wherein we can find our business falls into which class and services. Basicallytrademark classification is divided into 45 classes wherein class 1 to 34 is for manufacturer and 35 to 45 for service provider.
Excluded in trademark class 15
Air treatment equipment is in Trademark Class 11
Musical instruments
Keyboard instruments
Keyboard instruments
Autoplaying electronic pianos
Autoplaying electric pianos
Electronic keyboards
Electric keyboards
Keys for musical instruments
Keyboards for musical instruments
String instruments
Strings for western musical instruments
Strings for Western style musical instruments
Picks for stringed musical instruments
Strings for japanese style stringed instruments
Acoustic basses
Acoustic guitars
Acoustic bass guitars
Bow nuts for musical instruments
Sticks for bows for musical instruments
Colophony for stringed musical instruments
Pegs for musical instruments
Bridges for musical instruments
Horsehair for bows for musical instruments
Catgut for musical instruments
Bows for musical instruments
Struck stringed instruments
Strings for musical instruments
Rosin for stringed musical instruments
Picks for stringed instruments
Woodwind instruments
Reeds for musical instruments
Reeds being parts of musical instruments
Ebonite mouth pieces for musical instruments
Jews’ harps
Flutes being musical instruments
Percussion instruments
Drum pedals
Steel drums
Musical instruments in the nature of steel drums
Rattles being musical instruments
Metal bells
Cowbells being musical instruments
Hats with bells
Brass instruments
Musical accessories
Sheet music
Music stands adapted for use with musical instruments
Tripods for musical instruments
Cases adapted for musical instruments
Carrying cases for musical instruments
Tuners for musical instruments
Tuning devices for musical instruments
Tuning apparatus for musical instruments
Devices for tuning musical instruments
Covers for musical instruments
Racks adapted to hold musical instruments
Stands for musical instruments
Dampers for musical instruments
Mallets for musical instruments
Cases for musical instruments
Straps for musical instruments
Music rests for musical instruments
Guitar armrests
Sound effects pedals for musical instruments
Tuners for electronic musical instruments
Fingerboards for stringed musical instruments
Electronic practice mutes for musical instruments
Bags specially adapted for holding musical instruments
Covers adapted for guitars
Mutes for musical instruments
Turning apparatus for sheet music
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