This GST Registration Chapter 16 doesn't cover meat, meat offal, fish, scavengers, mollusks or other sea-going spineless creatures, ready or saved by the cycles determined...
This Chapter 14 of GST Registration does not cover the following products which are to be classified in Section 14:
vegetable materials or fibres of vegetable materials...
Heading 1302 applies; bury alia, to liquorices concentrate and concentrate of pyrethrum. Concentrate of jumps, concentrate of aloes and opium
The heading doesn't make a difference to:
liquorices remove containing over 10% by weight of...
This Chapter 11 of GST doesn't cover:
Cooked malt set up as espresso substitutes (heading 0901 or 2101);
Arranged flours, groats, dinners or starches of heading 1901;
Corn pieces or different results of heading...
The items determined in the headings of this GST Chapter 10 are to be arranged in those headings provided that grains are available, whether or not in the ear or on the...
Mixtures of the products of headings 0904 to 0910 are to be classified as follows:
Mixtures of two or more of the products of the same heading are to be classified in that...
This Chapter 8 Of GST Registration doesn't cover unpalatable nuts or organic products.
Chilled products of the soil are to be grouped in similar...
This Chapter 7 of GST does not cover:
Edible products (other than guts, bladders and stomachs of animals. whole and Pieces thereof. and animal blood, liquied or dried);
Hides or skins (including furskins) other...