
How to Register a Trademark Class 1

Short description of trademark class 1

Trademark class 1 includes the chemical products which can be into medicines, Pharmaceuticals preparation, construction or other chemical included in Trademark class 1.

What is trademark registration?

Trademark Registration can be defined as unique identity for Brands and companies or services to stand out from rest of other brand and companies. After trademark registered in India no other organization or company can use the same name or logo.

Registered Trademark provides rights to sue other who tries to copy the similar brand name or logo. Once any company or brand name registered in trademark though it becomes the intellectual property which can also be defined has intangible asset for company. which helps in protecting the investment into creating the brand name, its loyalty and trust among customers.

What is trademark class?

A trademark classification is a tool wherein we can find our business falls into which class and services. Basically trademark classification is divided into 45 classes wherein class 1 to 34 is for manufacturer and 35 to 45 for service provider.

Excluded in Trademark Class 1 :

Raw natural resins for use in the manufacture of adhesives And Unprocessed natural resins for use in the manufacture of adhesives Are included in Trademark class 2, Dental Resins are included in Trademark class 5, Artificial  and Acrylic resins (Insulating -) Are Included in Trademark class 17, Building boards made from wood and waterproof resins are included in Trademark class 19, Statuettes made of synthetic resins Are included in Trademark Class 20,

Goods included in trademark class 1

Filtering materials (chemical, mineral, vegetable and other unprocessed materials)

Filtering materials [chemical preparations

Filtering materials of chemical substances

Chemical preparations and materials for film, photography and printing

Lithographic chemicals

Printing chemicals

Photosensitive chemicals

Photographic chemicals

Photographic chemical substances

Film cleaners [chemicals]

Photosensitive materials [chemicals]

Photographic media [chemicals]

Chemicals used in photography

Chemicals for reprographic use

Chemically sensitized photographic paper

Filtering media [chemical] for water

Chemical compositions for developing photographs

Chemicals for use in xerography

Chemicals for use in printing

Chemicals for use in electrophotography

Chemicals for use in photography

Chemicals for use in reprography

Aqueous based photographic developer chemicals

Chemicals for use in lithography

Chemical preparations for use in photography

Photography (Chemical preparations for use in -)

Chemicals for use in transfer printing

Photographic chemicals for processing photographic films

Photographic chemicals for developing photographic films

Chemicals for use in plate etching

Photographic chemicals for processing photographic plates

Chemical substances used in copying and photocopying

Chemical preparations for use in photographic processes

Photographic paper [must be chemically-sensitized paper]

Chemical preparations for use in processing photosensitive material

Chemical products for the manufacture of photographic products

Chemicals for processing sensitized unexposed x-ray films

Chemicals for use in the manufacture of inks

Photographic chemicals for developing presensitised plates for printing

Chemicals for testing solutions of spent photoresist developers

Photographic chemicals for cleaning presensitised plates for printing

Chemicals for use in the printing of newspapers

Chemically sensitized paper for use in thermal imaging

Chemicals for use in the manufacture of printing ink

Chemical preparations for use in the manufacture of printing materials

Chemicals for use in thermography [other than medical or veterinary]

Chemicals used for printing or the printing of texts, images, words or graphics

Unprocessed plastics

Chemicals for use in making polyurethanes

Chemicals for use in the manufacture of polyurethanes

Raw chemicals for use in the manufacture of polyurethane resins

Adhesives for use in industry

Cement-waterproofing chemicals, except paints

Waterproofing chemicals (Cement- -), except paints

Chemicals for use in making adhesive substances

Chemicals for use in gluing [for industrial purposes]

Chemical bonding agents [other than for household or stationery use]

Chemicals for use in sticking [other than for household or stationery purposes]

Growing media, fertilizers and chemicals for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry

Mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for fertilizing compost

Chemicals for use in the manufacture of insecticides

Forestry (Chemicals for -), except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, parasiticides

Horticultural chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides

Agricultural chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides

Agricultural chemicals, except fungicides weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides, parasiticides

Chemical agents for impregnating cut flowers to preserve freshness

Chemical products for preserving the freshness of cut flowers

Forestry (Chemicals for -), except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides

Chemicals for forestry, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides

Chemicals (Agricultural -), except fungicides, weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides

Agricultural chemicals, except fungicides, weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides

Chemicals for horticulture, other than fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides

Chemicals for use as intermediates in the manufacture of pesticides

Chemicals for forestry, other than fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides

Chemicals for use in the manufacture of insect growth regulators

Chemicals for use in forestry, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides

Mixtures of chemicals and natural materials for use as horticultural fertilizers

Chemicals for use in the therapy of environmental damage on plants

Mixtures of chemicals and natural materials for use as agricultural fertilizers

Chemicals for use in horticulture [other than fungicides, weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides, parasiticides]

Chemicals for use in coating agricultural seeds [other than fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, parasiticides]

Chemicals for the protection of plants [other than fungicides, weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides, parasiticides]

Chemicals for use in the agrochemical industry [other than fungicides, weed killers, herbicides, insecticides, parasiticides]

Mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for use on hay in producing silage [other than for veterinary use]

Mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for increasing the nutritional value of animal fodder [other than for veterinary use]

Detergents for use in manufacture and industry

Chemical substances, chemical materials and chemical preparations, and natural elements

Chemical preparations and materials for film, photography and printing

Filtering materials [chemical, mineral, vegetable and other unprocessed materials]

Growing media, fertilizers and chemicals for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry

Chemical and organic compositions for use in the manufacture of food and beverages

Salts for industrial purposes

Salts [chemical preparations]

Sodium salts [chemical compounds]

Sodium salts [chemical preparations]

Unprocessed artificial and synthetic resins

Engine-decarbonising chemicals

Chemical preparations for decarbonising engines

Decarbonising engines (Chemical preparations for -)

Chemical compounds for the manufacture of artificial resins

Chemical compounds for the manufacture of synthetic resins

Starches for use in manufacturing and industry

Liquifying chemicals (Starch- -) [ungluing agents]

Starch-liquifying chemicals [ungluing agents]

Ungluing agents [chemical preparations for liquifying starch]

Putties, and fillers and pastes for use in industry

Chemical sealing grout for use in the building industry

Chemical sealing grout for use in the construction industry

Chemical preparations for filling of holes in vehicle bodies

Chemical preparations for filling of dents in the repair of vehicle bodies

Chemical preparations for filling of flaws in the repair of vehicle bodies

Chemical and organic compositions for use in the manufacture of food and beverages

Chemical additives

Chemical adsorbents

Chemical absorbents

Chemical absorbants

Chemical sorbents

Chemical fertilizers

Chemical contraceptives

Contraceptives (Chemical -)

Chemical reactors

Chemical extenders

Chemical emulsifiers

Chemical pessaries

Chemical synergists

Chemical polymers

Chemical accelerants

Refrigerant chemicals

Lithographic chemicals

Sucro chemicals

Colorimetric chemicals

Printing chemicals

Photosensitive chemicals

Purification chemicals

Etching chemicals

Acetates [chemicals]

Cobalt chemicals

Photographic chemicals

Soldering chemicals

Welding chemicals

Chromatography chemicals

Nickel chemicals

Chlorinated chemicals

Fluorescent chemicals

Activators [chemicals]

Raw chemicals

Copper chemicals

Agricultural chemicals

Extraction chemicals

Fine chemicals

Buffers [chemicals]

Chemicals (Industrial -)

Industrial chemicals

Brazing chemicals

Aromatics [chemicals]

Chemicalproof paints

Adsorbent chemical preparations

Chemical condensation preparations

Condensation preparations (Chemical -)

Extenders [chemical substances]

Waterproofing chemical compositions

Water repellents [chemical]

Sugar substitutes (Chemical -)

Vanillin [industrial chemical]

Spinel [chemical preparations]

Chemical fiber fabrics

Non-chemical contraceptives

Contraceptives, non-chemical

Test paper, chemical

Chemical test paper

Chemical anchoring compounds

Olivine [chemical preparations]

Sealing compounds (Chemical -)

Inorganic chemical compounds

Bases [chemical preparations]

Chemical absorption agents

Acidproof chemical compositions

Chemical contraceptive sponges

Chemical handling machines

Chemical soil conditioners

Fissionable chemical elements

Chemical elements (Fissionable -)

Liquid coatings [chemical]

Photographic chemical substances

Chemical hardening preparations

Waterproofing preparations [chemical]

Fuel additives (Chemical -)

Chemical gasoline additives

Petrol additives [chemical]

Chemical chimney cleaners

Cleaners, chemical (Chimney -)

Chimney cleaners, chemical

Chemical processing equipment

Chemical seasonings [cooking]

Releasing agents [chemical]

Adsorbent chemical products

Salts [chemical preparations]

Metal preservatives [chemical]

Aqueous chemical compositions

Chemical plating solutions

Chemical petrol additives

Chemical laundry preparations

Chemical fiber nettings

Chemical fixing compounds

Chemical engineering software

Active chemical ingredients

Chemical acid viscosifiers

Chemical friction reducers

Chemical acid thickeners

Laboratory chemical reactors

Concrete-aeration chemicals

Oil-bleaching chemicals

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