Trademark Class 19: Materials, Building & Construction
Short description of Trademark Class 19
Materials, not of metal, for building and construction; rigid pipes, not of metal, for building; Asphalt, pitch, tar and bitumen; Transportable buildings, not of metal; Monuments, not of metal
What is trademark registration?
Trademark Registration can be defined as a unique identity for Brands and companies or services to stand out from rest of other brands and companies. After trademark registered in India, no other organization or company can use the same name or logo.
Registered Trademark provides rights to sue others who tries to copy a similar brand name or logo. Once any company or brand name is registered in trademark though it becomes the intellectual property which can also be defined has an intangible asset for the company. which helps in protecting the investment into creating the brand name, its loyalty and trust among customers.
What is trademark Class?
A trademark classification is a tool wherein we can find our business falls into which class and services. Basically, trademark classification is divided into 45 classes wherein class 1 to 34 is for the manufacturer and 35 to 45 for a service provider.
Excluded in Trademark Class 19:
Metal in foil is in Trademark Class 2. Building and construction materials and elements of metal are in Trademark class 6. Machines and machine tools for the treatment of materials and for manufacturing is in Trademark Class 7. Cutlery, kitchen knives, and cutting implements for kitchen use is in Trademark class 8. Electric cables and wires are in Trademark class 9. Non-metallic hardware is in Trademark class 20. Tableware, cookware and containers are in Trademark class 21.
Building and construction materials and elements, not of metal
Blinds, not of metal and not of textile
Laminated building glass incorporating a liquid crystal film
Vinyl floor coverings for forming a floor
Rubber crumb surfacing for use in childrens’ play areas
Archways made from non-metallic materials
Arches of non-metallic materials
Arches made of non-metallic materials
Manufactured building elements
Rubber crumb surfacing for use in safety play areas
Woven covers for use as geotextile materials
Prefabricated building elements for on site assembly
Woven mats for use as geotextile materials for building purposes
Woven mats for the protection of banks against erosion
Woven covers for use as geotextile materials for building
Woven fabrics for the protection of banks against erosion
Woven fabrics for use as geotextile materials
Woven fabrics for protection against erosion
Nailplates for the assembly of roof trusses
Non-metallic building materials having acoustic properties
Damp proof membranes of synthetic plastics materials
Woven geotextile materials for protecting banks against erosion
Woven geotextile materials for protecting dikes against erosion
Liquid plastics surface coatings for protection against moisture
Woven fabrics for the protection of slopes against erosion
Woven mats for the protection of slopes against erosion
Woven mats for the protection of dikes against erosion
Erosion control fabric, mats and sheeting, not of metal
Woven mats for use as geotextile materials
Fire surrounds of plaster
Woven geotextile materials for protecting against erosion
Finish plasters made of coloured artificial resin
Synthetic flooring materials or wall-claddings
Agricultural nets for erosion control
Non-metal cladding for construction and building
Pre-fabricated nonmetal architectural columns
Athletic flooring, not of metal
Modular plastic decking to serve as a ground cover
Non-woven textiles made of synthetic fibers for use in the building industry
Architraves of non-metallic materials
Refractory blocks for use as furnace linings
Woven fabrics for the protection of dikes against erosion
Non-metallic air vents for buildings
Rubber crumb surfacing for use in play areas
Fascias for advertising
Sintered mixtures of fly ash and coal
Ground marking sheets of synthetic materials
Fire surrounds of plastic
Woven geotextile materials for protecting slopes against erosion
Synthetic paving composites
Materials, not of metal, for building and construction
Building and construction materials and elements made of sand, stone, rock, clay, minerals and concrete
Building and construction materials and elements made of wood and artificial wood
Building and construction materials and elements made of pitch, tar, bitumen or asphalt
Rigid pipes and valves therefor, non-metallic
Armour-plating, not of metal, for building
Infrared-ray absorbing glass for building
Binding agents for making briquettes
Binding agents for making stones
Materials for making and coating roads
Angle irons, not of metal
Road marking sheets and strips of synthetic material
Acoustic panels, not of metal
Outdoor blinds, not of metal and not of textile
Structures and transportable buildings, not of metal
Prefabricated structures for use as toilets
Archways made from non-metallic materials
Arches of non-metallic materials
Arches made of non-metallic materials
Covered walkways of glass and having a non-metallic frame
Aviaries not of metal
Aviaries, not of metal
Stalls,not of metal for animals
Posts of non-metallic materials for use as bus-stops
Arbours not of metal used as structures
Arch frames for use in construction
Bollards, for roads
Rainwater traps and covers
being wireless aerials
Pre-fabricated animal houses, not of metal
Modular animal houses, not of metal
Non-metal portable piers which extend from a shore line out over water
Arches of non-metallic materials for supporting plants
Archways of non-metallic materials for supporting plants
Bollards of artificial stone
Marquees, not of metal and not of textile
Access chamber covers
Access chamber covers of non-metallic materials
Access covers
Signs, and information and advertising displays, non-metallic
Artificial fish reefs, not of metal
Non-metal artificial fish reefs
Aviaries, not of metal
Arbours, not of metal
Unprocessed and semi-processed materials included in the class, not specified for use
Asphalt, pitch and bitumen
Pitch, tar, bitumen and asphalt
Asphalt, pitch, tar and bitumen
Stone, rock, clay and minerals
Wood and artificial wood
Armour-plating, not of metal
Armor-plating, not of metal
Statues and works of art made of materials such as stone, concrete and marble, included in the class
Cast concrete decorative articles
Ornaments made of stone for aquaria
Works of art of stone, concrete or marble
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