Trademark Class 13: Firearms & Ammunition

Short Description of trademark Class 13.

Firearms; Ammunition and projectiles; Explosives; Fireworks

What is trademark class?

A trademark classification is a tool wherein we can find our business falls into which class and services. Basically trademark classification is divided into 45 classes wherein Trademark class 1 to 34 is for manufacturer and 35 to 45 for service provider. Trademark class is most imperative for getting trademark registration in proper scope of business.

Not included in Trademark Class 13:

Edged and blunt weapons are in Trademark Class 8. Scientific research and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and simulators are in Trademark Class 9.  Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance are in Trademark Class 37. Testing, authentication and quality control are in Trademark Class 42.

Trademark class 13

Explosive substances and devices, other than arms pyrotechnics

Explosive devices

Pyrotechnic articles


Nitrate of ammonia explosives

Radio controlled miniature aerial targets for military use

Nitrating liquids used as explosives


Ammonium nitrate explosives

Weapons and ammunition

Anti-tank mines

Small arms

Armored turrets

Cases for large size ammunition

Shells for large size ammunition

Automatic revolvers

Ammunition and projectiles

Armaments installations

Armour-piercing incendiary projectiles

Air-to-surfaces missiles

Automatic pistols

Automatic guns

Automatic rifles

Anti submarine torpedoes fitted with warheads

Actuators being parts of weapons

Shotgun ammunition

Butts for small arms

Grips for small arms

Launchers for ammunition

Cannon carriages

Explosive devices for minefield breaching

Air pistols

Unmanned remote-controlled powered aircraft for use as military targets

Air pistol bullets

Air pistol slugs

Cleaning implements for firearms

Pull-throughs for small arms

Smoke missiles for armoured vehicles and tanks

Weapons for launching missiles and projectiles

Small arms

Air guns

Air guns

Pyrotechnic thrust generators for steering airborne weapons

Conventional air delivered weapons

Anti-aircraft guns

Actuators being parts of weapon ejecting installations

Naval anti-submarine torpedo carrier systems

Explosive devices for minefield clearance

Guided artillery projectiles


Adjusting knobs for gun sights

Sighting devices for firearms

Ammunition for guns


Actuators being parts of weapon loading installations

Pyrotechnic ammunition


Armor piercing projectiles

Armour-piercing projectiles

Combination pistols and rifles

Spring-activated spearguns

Air rifles

Propelling pyrotechnic mixtures for ammunition

Detonation devices for blasting underwater mines

Rifle ammunition

Aerial bombs

Armour-piercing incendiary projectiles for use by aircraft

Rocket artillery projectiles

Explosive devices for minefield breaching and minefield clearance

Armour-piercing projectiles for use by aircraft

Automatic carbines

Smoke missiles for armoured vehicles

Mirrors for guns and rifles

Aiming mirrors for rifles

Air-to-air missiles

Artillery guns



Artillery pieces


Medium calibre ammunition

Small arms ammunition

Long-range artillery guns

Projecting apparatus for bombs

Projecting apparatus for missiles

Projecting apparatus for grenades

Ship-to-air missiles

Air gun pellets

Weapon apparatus

Smoke projectiles for torpedo tube artillery

Aiming sights

Armor piercing shells

Air shot

Protective shields adapted for firearms

Holders, holsters, magazines and cartridges, for weapons and ammunition

Side arms

Cartridge loading apparatus

Gun carriages

Artillery guns


Trigger guards for guns and rifles

Hammers for guns and rifles

Sighting mirrors for guns and rifles


Ammunition for firearms

Sights, other than telescopic sights, for artillery

Air pistols

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