Trademark Class 36: Financial, Monetary & Banking Services

Short description of trademark class 36

Financial, monetary and banking services; Insurance services; Real estate affairs

What is trademark registration?

Trademark Registration can be defined as unique identity for Brands and companies or services to stand out from rest of other brand and companies. After trademark registered in India no other organization or company can use the same name or logo.

Registered Trademark provides rights to sue other who tries to copy the similar brand name or logo. Once any company or brand name registered in trademark though it becomes the intellectual property which can also be defined has intangible asset for company. which helps in protecting the investment into creating the brand name, its loyalty and trust among customers.

What is trademark class?

A trademark classification is a tool wherein we can find our business falls into which class and services. Basically Trademark classification is divided into 45 classes wherein class 1 to 34 is for manufacturer and 35 to 45 for service provider.

Excluded in trademark class 36:

Payment terminals, money dispensing and sorting devices is in Trademark class 9. Printed matter, and stationery and educational supplies is in Trademark class 16. Accountancy, book keeping and auditing & Advertising, marketing and promotional services is in Trademark class 35. Insurance underwriting and appraisals and assessment for insurance purposes is in Trademark class 36. Telecommunication services is in Trademark class 38. Education and instruction services is in Trademark class 41. Hosting services, software as a service, and rental of software is in Trademark class 42.

Insurance services

Provision of life assurance services

Variable annuity investment services

Accident insurance

Administration of group insurance plans

Insurance against loss of documents

Arranging of credit insurance

Insurance and financial information and consultancy services

Insurance information and consultancy

Consulting and information concerning insurance

Life assurance brokerage

Administration of insurance claims

Insurance claims administration

Administration of group insurance

Agency services for arranging travel insurance

Insurance advisory services

Insurance advice

Advice relating to insurance

Financial guarantee assessment services

Life insurance agencies

Arranging of annuities

Time and cost overrun risk insurance

Insurance against loss of credit

Advisory services relating to insurance contracts

Ship insurance agency

Financial guarantee services for the reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of vehicle breakdown

Real estate services

Management of apartments

Arranging the provision of finance for construction operations

Letting agency for sheltered accommodation

Real estate and property management services

Agency services for the selling on commission of real property

Land acquisition services

Land acquisition services

Residential real estate agency services

Provision of housing accommodation

Estate agency services for sale and rental of businesses

Estate agency services for sale and rental of buildings

Administration of property portfolios

Assisting in the acquisition of real estate

Assessment and management of real estate

Research services relating to real estate acquisition

Advisory services relating to real estate valuations

Real estate acquisition services

Arranging of shared ownership of real estate

Apartment house management

Real estate selection and acquisition

Arranging the provision of finance for real estate purchase

Accommodation bureau services

Accommodation letting agency

Advisory services relating to real estate ownership


Financial, monetary and banking services

Banking services provided for schools

Variable annuity investment services

Financial assistance

Acquisition and transfer of monetary claims

Services for debiting and crediting financial accounts

Asset management services

Accounts receivables financing

Arranging the provision of finance for construction operations

Arranging of credit insurance

Provision of equipment finance

Financial services relating to airports

Arranging of overdrafts

Arranging finance for businesses

Venture capital funding services to emerging and start-up companies

Venture capital and venture capital management services

Estate planning services

Financial services offered by a building society

Bank account and savings account services

Savings account services

Savings accounts services

Maintaining mortgage escrow accounts

Provision of current accounts

Arranging of annuities

Savings and loan associations

Merchant bank

Investment services

Employee stock plan administration services

Administration of capital investment services

Investment account services provided by building societies

Acquisition for financial investment

Investment asset management

Investment advisory services relating to real estate

Investment trusteeship and advisory services

Arranging investments, in particular capital investments, financing services and insurance

Advisory services relating to unit trusts

Real estate investment advice

Investment management of and distribution of variable annuities

Investment account services

Administrative services relating to investments

Management of investments for mutual clubs and societies

Arranging of investments

Providing investment account information by telephone

Providing on-line investment account information

Arranging of financial investments

Financial underwriting and securities issuance

Residential investment advice

Administration of funds and investments

Providing financing to emerging and start-up companies

Financial transfers and transactions, and payment services

Arranging monetary transfers

Negotiation for the collection of cheques and bills of payment

Automated funds transfer services

Money exchange and transfer

Financial services relating to the withdrawal and depositing of cash

Payment administration services

Arranging financial transactions

Payment and receipt of money as agents

Credit and cash card services

Issuing letters of credit and certificates of deposit

Banking services relating to the transfer of funds from accounts

Providing multiple payment options by means of customer-operated electronic terminals available on-site in retail stores

Bill payment services provided through a website

Issuance of credit and debit cards

Accounts payable debiting services

Electronic funds transfer for travel agents

Automated payment

Automated payment services

Automated payment of accounts

Processing payments for the purchase of goods and services via an electronic communications network

Acceptance of bills of exchange

Acceptance of bill payments

Payment services provided via wireless telecommunications apparatus and devices

Financial and monetary transaction services

Cash, check and money order services

Tax and duty payment services

Account debiting services

Automated banking services relating to charge card transactions

Electronic processing of payments via a global computer network

Electronic transfer of crypto assets

Financial information, data, advice and consultancy services

Financial management advisory services

Financial advisory and management services

Advisory services relating to financial investment

Investment analysis

Financial information services for financial institutions provided via computer networks and satellite transmissions

Provision of pricing information about money market rates

Financial advice relating to investment

Financial advisory services for companies

Financial advice relating to wills

Financial advice relating to inheritance

Trustee advisory services

Credit advisory services

Advisory services relating to credit

Credit advice

Advice regarding credit

Financial analysis and research services

Information services relating to finance, provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet

Financial information services provided by access to a computer database

Tax consultancy

Tax advice

Provision of tax advice

Financial advice relating to employee share schemes

Financial advice relating to trusts

Financial consultancy and advisory services

Financial advice

Advisory services relating to financing

Advisory services relating to finance

Provision of financial advice

Financial advisory and consultancy services

Financial advice and consultancy services

Financial advisory services

Advisory services relating to financial matters

Advisory services relating to corporate finance

Financial consultancy in relation to the buying and selling of businesses

Advice relating to investments

Investment advisory services

Advisory services relating to investments

Financial investment advisory services

Investment advice

Capital investment advisory services

Advice relating to investment for retirement

Advice relating to investment during retirement

Advice relating to mortgages for residential properties

Advice relating to loan recovery services

Issuing of statements of accounts

Issue of statements of account

Financial advisory services relating to tax

Financial advice relating to taxation

Provision of pricing information about equities

Financial information and evaluations

Share orientation advisory services

Advice services relating to enhancement of mortgages

Advisory services relating to financial asset management

Preparation of financial analyses relating to bond markets

Provision of advice [financial] to accident investigators

Financial information services for banks provided via computer networks and satellite transmissions

Preparation and analysis of financial reports

Preparation of financial reports and analysis

Actuarial services relating to financial transactions

Computerised financial analysis

Financial economic analysis

Preparation of financial analyses

Financial analysis services

Financial analyses


Financial analyses

Financial analysis

Preparation of financial analysis

Providing bank account information by telephone

Financial and investment consultancy services

Financial advisory services provided for bankers

Provision of pricing information about futures

Financial advisory services for individuals

Financial investment analysis and stock research

Advisory services relating to investment finance

Financial information management and analysis services

Preparation of financial analyses relating to securities

Provision of pricing information about indices

Financial advisory services relating to retirement plans

Financial advisory services relating to assets management

Repair cost evaluation

Repair costs evaluation


Information services relating to the automated transfer of funds

Providing information regarding the administration of trust accounts

Provision of information relating to accounts

Computerised financial advisory services

Advice regarding lending services

Advisory services relating to loan services

Advisory services relating to mortgages

Securities advisory services

Advisory services relating to money management

Provision of pricing information about commodities

Advice on finance for retirement

Advice on finance during retirement

Financial advice relating to pensions

Financial advice relating to share option schemes

Financial advice relating to settlements

Income tax advice

Tax returns consultancy

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