Trademark Class 34: Tobacco, Cigarettes and Cigars

Short description of Trademark class 34

Tobacco and tobacco substitutes; Cigarettes and cigars; Electronic cigarettes and oral vaporizers for smokers; Smokers’ articles; Matches

What is trademark registration?

Trademark Registration can be defined as unique identity for Brands and companies or services to stand out from rest of other brand and companies. After trademark registered in India no other organization or company can use the same name or logo.

Registered Trademark provides rights to sue other who tries to copy the similar brand name or logo. Once any company or brand name registered in trademark though it becomes the intellectual property which can also be defined has intangible asset for company. Which helps in protecting the investment into creating the brand name, its loyalty and trust among customers.

What is trademark class?

A trademark classification is a tool wherein we can find our business falls into which class and services. Basically trademark classification is divided into 45 classes wherein class 1 to 34 is for manufacturer and 35 to 45 for service provider.

Excluded in Trademark class 34

Chemical substances, chemical materials and chemical preparations, and natural elements is in Trademark class 1. Pharmaceuticals and natural remedies is in Trademark class 5. Material production and processing machines is in Trademark class 7. Burners, boilers and heaters is in Trademark class 11. Commercial trading and consumer information services is in Trademark class 35. Installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance is in Trademark class 37. Rental of equipment for the treatment and transformation of materials, for energy production and for custom manufacturing is in Trademark class 40.

Tobacco and tobacco products (including substitutes)

Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured

Tobacco, raw or manufactured

Cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos and other ready-for-use smoking articles

Loose, rolling and pipe tobacco

Tobacco and tobacco substitutes


Inhalable aerosols and carrier substances therefor, for use in water pipes

Substances for inhalation using water pipes, in particular aromatic substances

Cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos and other ready-for-use smoking articles

Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured

Tobacco, raw or manufactured

Cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos and other ready-for-use smoking articles

Loose, rolling and pipe tobacco

Tobacco and tobacco substitutes


Inhalable aerosols and carrier substances therefor, for use in water pipes

Substances for inhalation using water pipes, in particular aromatic substances

Loose, rolling and pipe tobacco

Tea for smoking as a tobacco substitute

Manufactured tobacco

Articles for use with tobacco

Absorbent paper for tobacco

Tobacco containers and humidors

Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes

Tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders

Yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders

Pocket cigarette-rolling machines

Hand-held machines for making cigarettes

Pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes

Cigarette rolling machines


Pocket machines for rolling cigarettes


Ashtrays for smokers

Cigarette ash receptacles

Asian long tobacco pipes

Asian long tobacco pipe sheaths

Asian long tobacco pipes

Smokers’ articles of precious metal

Smokers’ articles, not of precious metal

Devices for extinguishing heated cigarettes and cigars as well as heated tobacco sticks

Devices for extinguishing heated cigarettes, cigars and heated tobacco sticks

Hand held machines for injecting tobacco into paper tubes

Devices for heating tobacco substitutes for the purpose of inhalation

Devices for heating tobacco for the purpose of inhalation


Ashtrays for smokers made of precious metals

Ashtrays of precious metal

Ashtrays, not of precious metal

Ashtrays for smokers made of non-precious metals

Portable cigarette ash pouches

Tobacco containers and humidors

Absorbent paper for tobacco

Tobacco containers and humidors

Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes

Tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders

Yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders

Pocket cigarette-rolling machines

Hand-held machines for making cigarettes

Pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes

Cigarette rolling machines


Pocket machines for rolling cigarettes


Ashtrays for smokers

Cigarette ash receptacles

Asian long tobacco pipes

Asian long tobacco pipe sheaths

Asian long tobacco pipes

Smokers’ articles of precious metal

Smokers’ articles, not of precious metal

Devices for extinguishing heated cigarettes and cigars as well as heated tobacco sticks

Devices for extinguishing heated cigarettes, cigars and heated tobacco sticks

Hand held machines for injecting tobacco into paper tubes

Devices for heating tobacco substitutes for the purpose of inhalation

Devices for heating tobacco for the purpose of inhalation

Lighters for smokers

Wicks adapted for cigarette lighters

Lighters for smokers

Lighters not of precious metal

Personal vaporisers and electronic cigarettes, and flavourings and solutions therefor

Electronic cigarettes for use as an alternative to traditional cigarettes

Electronic devices for the inhalation of nicotine containing aerosol

Electronic cigarette atomizers

Inhalers for use as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes

Inhalable aerosols and carrier substances therefor, for use in water pipes

Substances for inhalation using water pipes, in particular aromatic substances

Electronic nicotine inhalation devices

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