Trademark Class 43: Services for Providing Food and Drink

What is trademark registration?

Trademark Registration can be defined as unique identity for Brands and companies or services to stand out from rest of other brand and companies. After Trademark registered in India no other organization or company can use the same name or logo.

Registered Trademark provides rights to sue other who tries to copy the similar brand name or logo. Once any company or brand name registered in trademark though it becomes the intellectual property which can also be defined has intangible asset for company. which helps in protecting the investment into creating the brand name, its loyalty and trust among customers.

What is trademark class?

A trademark classification is a tool wherein we can find our business falls into which class and services. Basically trademark classification is divided into 45 classes wherein class 1 to 34 is for manufacturer and 35 to 45 for service provider.

Short description of trademark class 43

Services for providing food and drink; Temporary accommodation

Excluded in trademark class 43:

Dietary supplements and dietetic preparations Food for babies is in Trademark class 5. Containers, and transportation and packaging articles, of metal is in Trademark class 6. Food and beverage processing and preparation machines and apparatus is in Trademark class 7. Cutlery, kitchen knives, and cutting implements for kitchen use is in Trademark class 8. Cooking, heating, cooling and preservation equipment, for food and beverages is in Trademark class 11. Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics is in Trademark class 16. Containers, and closures and holders therefor, non-metallic is in Trademark class 20. Tableware, cookware and containers is in Trademark class 21. Food and beverage colorings is in Trademark Class 29. Baked goods, confectionery, chocolate and desserts Pastries, cakes, tarts and biscuits (cookies) is in Trademark class 30. Foodstuffs and fodder for animals is in Trademark class 31. Commercial trading and consumer information services is in Trademark class 35.

Temporary accommodation

Hospitality services

Accommodation services

Accommodation bureau services

Accommodation bureaux services

Providing emergency shelter services in the nature of temporary housing

Emergency shelter services

Provision of temporary furnished accommodation

Holiday accommodation services

Providing temporary housing accommodations

Charitable services, namely providing temporary accommodation

Accommodation services for functions

Accommodation exchange services

Accommodation letting agency services

Arranging and providing temporary accommodation

Leasing of metal and non-metal transportable buildings

Event facilities and temporary office and meeting facilities

Hotels, hostels and boarding houses, holiday and tourist accommodation

Nurseries, day-care and elderly care facilities

Rental of rooms as temporary living accommodations

Arranging temporary housing accommodations


Rental of accommodation

Rental of temporary accommodation

Reception services for temporary accommodation

Providing temporary rest areas for passengers

Operating membership accommodation

Provision of event facilities and temporary office and meeting facilities

Reception services for temporary accommodation

Animal pound services

Temporary accommodation provided by halfway houses

Rental of holiday accommodation

Rental of vacation accommodation

Rental of furniture, linens, table settings, and equipment for the provision of food and drink

Rental of lighting apparatus

Rental of cooking equipment for industrial purposes

Food service apparatus

Rental of food service equipment

Rental of cooking apparatus

Rental of food service apparatus

Cooking apparatus

Rental of drink dispensing machines

Drink dispensing machines

Rental of chairs and tables

Rental of catering equipment

Rental of cotton candy making machines

Rental of furniture, linens and table settings

Rental of lighting apparatus

Rental of bar equipment

Rental of furniture, linens, table settings, and equipment for the provision of food and drink

Rental of lighting apparatus for decorating private residences

Rental of units for dispensing heated and chilled beverages, other than vending machines

Rental of autoclaves for cooking

Provision of food and drink

Food and drink catering

Catering of food and drinks


Hospitality services

Arranging of meals in hotels

Arranging of wedding receptions

Providing accommodation for functions

Club services for the provision of food and drink

Corporate hospitality

Arranging of banquets

Provision of food and drink in restaurants

Catering of food and drink

Serving food and drink for guests

Serving of alcoholic beverages

Providing food and drink for guests

Providing food and drink in restaurants and bars

Serving food and drink in restaurants and bars

Preparation and provision of food and drink for immediate consumption

Serving food and drink for guests in restaurants

Providing food and drink for guests in restaurants

Providing food and drink in bistros

Providing food and drink in doughnut shops

Serving food and drink in doughnut shops

Serving food and drink in Internet cafes

Providing food and drink in Internet cafes

Food preparation for others on an outsourcing basis

Providing of food and drink via a mobile truck

Restaurant and bar services

Bar and restaurant services

Take-away food services

Takeaway food and drink services

Take away food services

Take-away food and drink services

Take away food and drink services

Serving food and drinks

Bed and breakfast services

Food and drink preparation services

Preparation of food and beverages

Services for the preparation of food and drink

Preparation of food and drink

Take-away restaurant services

Temporary accommodation information, advice and reservation services

Accommodation reservation services

Booking services for accommodation

Reservation services for accommodation

Reservation services for the booking of accommodation

Temporary accommodation reservations

Reservation of temporary accommodation

Accommodation reservations


Accommodation reservations

Booking of temporary accommodation

Arranging of temporary accommodation

Temporary accommodation reservation services

Rating holiday accommodation

Booking agency services for hotel accommodation

Agency services for booking hotel accommodation

Appraisal of hotel accommodation

Travel agency services for booking accommodation

Tourist agency services for booking accommodation

Booking of accommodation for travellers

Accommodation booking agency services

Accommodation reservation services

Reservation of tourist accommodation

Reservation of hotel accommodation

Provision of information relating to the booking of accommodation

Booking services for holiday accommodation

Services for reserving holiday accommodation

Travel agency services for making hotel reservations

Travel agency services for reserving hotel accommodation

Booking of campground accommodation

Reservation of accommodation in hotels

Hotel accommodation reservation services

Travel agency services for booking temporary accommodation

Providing information about temporary accommodation services

Booking of temporary accommodation via the Internet

Providing information about temporary accommodation via the Internet

Consultancy provided by telephone call centers and hotlines in the field of temporary accommodation

Providing on-line information relating to holiday accommodation reservations

Providing travel lodging information services and travel lodging booking agency services for travelers

Reservation of temporary accommodation in the nature of holiday homes

Providing information about creche services

Booking of hotel accommodation

Tour operator services for the booking of temporary accommodation

Providing room reservation and hotel reservation services

Agency services for the reservation of temporary accommodation

Temporary accommodation information, advice and reservation services

Providing hotel information via a website

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