Trademark Class 29: Jellies, Jams, Eggs Milk, Cheese, Butter

Short description of trademark class 29

Meat, fish, poultry and game; Meat extracts; Preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; Jellies, jams, compotes; Eggs; Milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and other milk products; Oils and fats for food

What is trademark registration?

Trademark Registration can be defined as unique identity for Brands and companies or services to stand out from rest of other brand and companies. After trademark registered in India no other organization or company can use the same name or logo.

Registered Trademark provides rights to sue other who tries to copy the similar brand name or logo. Once any company or brand name registered in trademark though it becomes the intellectual property which can also be defined has intangible asset for company. Which helps in protecting the investment into creating the brand name, its loyalty and trust among customers.

What is trademark class?

A trademark classification is a tool wherein we can find our business falls into which class and services. Basicallytrademark classification is divided into 45 classes wherein class 1 to 34 is for manufacturer and 35 to 45 for service provider.

Excluded in trademark class 29

Food and beverage colorings is in Trademark Class 29. Dietary supplements and dietetic preparations Food for babies is in Trademark class 5. Containers, and transportation and packaging articles, of metal is in Trademark class 6. Food and beverage processing and preparation machines and apparatus is in Trademark class 7. Cutlery, kitchen knives, and cutting implements for kitchen use is in Trademark class 8. Cooking, heating, cooling and preservation equipment, for food and beverages is in Trademark class 11. Bags and articles for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, cardboard or plastics is in Trademark class 16. Containers, and closures and holders therefor, non-metallic is in Trademark class 20. Tableware, cookware and containers is in Trademark class 21. Baked goods, confectionery, chocolate and desserts Pastries, cakes, tarts and biscuits (cookies) is in Trademark class 30. Foodstuffs and fodder for animals is in Trademark class 31. Commercial trading and consumer information services is in Trademark class 35.

Meat and meat products

Food pastes made from meat

Meat, tinned

Pieces of chicken for use as a filling in sandwiches

Frozen appetizers consisting primarily of chicken

Animal kidneys

Marrow  for food

Air-dried sausages

Meat and meat products


Animal marrow for food

Fish, seafood and molluscs, not live

Anchovy fillets

Ark shells, not live


Ark-shells, not live



Abalones, not live

Frozen appetizers consisting primarily of seafood

Boiled and dried fish

Anchovy paste

Anchovy, not live

Fish, seafood and molluscs spreads

Fish, tinned

Agar-agar for food

Blocks of boiled, smoked and then dried bonitos

Artificial fish roes

Salted and fermented seafood


Agar-agar for culinary purposes

Dairy products and dairy substitutes

Beverages having a milk base


Lactic acid bacteria drinks

Hemp milk used as a milk substitute

Artificial milk based desserts

Egg nog

Non-alcoholic egg nog

Acidophilus milk

Milk of almonds for culinary purposes

Rice milk for use as a milk substitute

Soya-based beverages used as milk substitutes

Coconut milk used as beverage

Artificial cream

Artificial cream

Almond milk

Non-alcoholic eggnog

Almond milk-based beverages

Almond milk for culinary purposes

Lactic acid drinks

Albumin milk

Processed fruits, fungi, vegetables, nuts and pulses


Stewed apples

Ground almond

Ground almonds

Prepared almonds


Mixtures of fruit and nuts

Fruits, tinned

Fruits preserved in alcohol

Olives stuffed with almonds

Arrangements of cut fruit

Dried edible algae

Olives stuffed with red peppers and almonds

Artichoke paste

Breaded and fried jalapeno peppers

Processed asparagus

Vegetables, tinned

Jellies, jams, compotes, fruit and vegetable spreads

Apple flakes

Algae prepared for human foods

Processed algae for human consumption

Fruit-based fillings for cakes and pies

Processed almonds

Fruit-based filling for cakes and pies

Aromatized fruit

Apple chips

Processed avocados

Processed artichokes

Processed apricots

Preserved and flattened oranges

Pine pollen prepared as foodstuff

Formed textured vegetable protein for use as a meat substitute

Fermented bamboo shoots boiled and preserved in salt

Fried tofu pieces

Dried pieces of agar jelly


Processed apples

Processed shallots


Artichokes, preserved

Fruit preserved in alcohol

Pollen prepared as foodstuff

Aloe vera prepared for human consumption

Almonds, ground

Alginates for culinary purposes

Arrangements of processed fruit

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